We use your data to do great things

  • Revenue.

    The data journey starts with data. Revenue is the benchmark data point with which to compare performance. We will integrate with your EPOS system to pull out revenue via an API into Supplir.io helping us to understand patterns such as new sites, product mix, seasonality etc.

  • Purchasing.

    Understanding how you purchase is the next piece of the process. We will pull out the information you hold regarding purchasing from your P2P (Purchase to Pay) system. We’ll also need to know how you purchase, by packet, weight etc.

  • Co2e.

    We have a custom Life Cycle Inventory of Co2e per produce item. Giving full life cycle analysis on all greenhouse gas emissions. This database can be added to ensuring the database becomes smarter and more bespoke to your brand and supply chain.

  • AI, Automation & Analysis

    The final step once we have pulled all the relevant data into Supplir is to give you an access to our intuitive platfrom. Utilising AI and automations we can give you the tool to see how you can minimise your Co2e by revenue. Features include A/B testing by site, a Sandbox and one click offsetting.

Lets start this journey now